Month: April 2020

  • Congregational Meeting Agenda for May 30, 2020

    The next congregational meeting will be at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 30, 2020. # Time & Action Requested Min Item Presenter 1 2:00 10 Call to order, Lighting of Chalice, Affirming our Meeting Covenant Ryan McPherson, President 2 2:10 Action 5 Consent Agenda1 : Approve Congregational Meeting Minutes of 01/19/2020 Previously Distributed Amy Dunsmore…

  • Project Drawdown Survey Results

    N=43 How much power do you have to do something about climate change? 10% A great deal 21% A moderate amount 69% A little 0% None at all Do you have solar panels on your residence or business or plan to install them? 10% Yes 90% No Have you selected an electric utility that utilizes…