
Sunday Service

Welcome! Our Sunday Service is from 10:30 to 11:30 am and is followed by Coffee and Conversation, a time to mingle with members, friends, and visitors. Our services usually include music, readings, reflections, and a sermon. Our minister leads roughly one-half of our services and the rest are hosted by members of the congregation or an invited speaker. More details can be found below in our service descriptions. Our building is wheelchair-accessible. Please let our greeter know if you require a hearing device or a large-print hymnal.

Our children’s Religious Exploration program begins shortly after the Sunday Service begins, with kids starting in the Gathering Room with adults and exiting to their RE classes after a story for all ages.  Class ends at 11:40am to give parents a few minutes to enjoy meeting others.  Childcare is provided for infants through age four.  School age RE is for ages 5 and up, wih youth more than welcome to join us.  

Upcoming Sunday Services

  • “Reflections on Patriotism and Nationalism” – Bruce Carpenter
    Jul 28th, 2024 10:30:am
    Unitarian Universalism and patriotism share an ideology of inclusion, tolerance, and acceptance, in contrast to nationalism with its allegiance to isolationism, intolerance, and discrimination. As we prepare for a choice on how we wish to be governed, let us consider why we should choose the ideology of patriotism over nationalism. Bruce is a frequent contributor to the Herald-Zeitung and moderator of a progressive chatgroup on Next Door which now numbers over 700 members. A very good Friend of UUNB, he has spoken here on numerous occasions.

Recorded sermons can be viewed on our YouTube channel.