This three-volume curriculum is based on the assumption that everyone is their own theologian. The first session begins with an introduction to the six sources of Unitarian Universalism. At the end of the three sessions participants will create a personal credo. All sessions will be virtual from 9:00am-12:00pm. Contact Rev. Addae with questions or to enroll. or email
February 19, Saturday – Volume1
Introduction to the six Sources of our UU faith, and discussing/exploring your personal fundamental religious beliefs, values and convictions that inform the way you direct your life.
February 26, Saturday – Volume 2
This session continues the credo-development process by focusing on various theological questions to help you grow in your ability to understand and clearly articulate your own belief systems.
March 19, Saturday – Volume 3
Participants will examine key issues in religious inquiry, including truth and authority, theological diversity, spirituality, sin and salvation, justice, suffering, death, immortality and the concept of the beloved community.
Reading List
Rev. Addae strongly recommends these titles to newcomers and anyone else who wishes to fill in the gaps about the history of Unitarian Universalism. All of these books are available at
- Being Liberal in an Illiberal Age: Why I’m a Unitarian Universalist by Jack Mendelsohn
- A Chosen Faith: An Introduction to Unitarian Universalism by Forrrest Church, John A. Buehrens
- Universalism 101 by Richard Trudeau
- The Larger Faith: A Short History of American Universalism Author: Charles A. Howe
- A Stream of Light: A Short History of American Unitarianism Author: Conrad Wright
- Without Apology: Collected Meditations on Liberal Religion by A. Powell Davies (Forrest Church)
- Black Pioneers in a White Denomination Author: Mark D Morrison-Reed
- A People So Bold: Theology and Ministry for Unitarian Universalist John Millspaugh editor
- Three Prophets of Religious Liberalism: Channing, Emerson, Parker Author: Conrad Wright
- Faith Without Certainty by Paul Rasor
- A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism from beginning-1899
- A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism from 1900- Present