September Congregational Meeting

Dear Members and Friends of UUNB,

Please save the date for our next Congregational Meeting to be held on Sunday, September 8, at 12:15 PM, after Sunday Service in person.

As per our Bylaws, for any amendments, notifications and documentation must go out 30 days prior to the meeting. Links below to a Bylaw Video Explanation” that is 9 minutes long and three documents you will need.

1) Article 9 Bylaw Video

2) 2023-09-22 UUNB Bylaws

3) 2023-09-22 UUNB Bylaws – NEW WORKING DOCUMENT for Sept 8 2024

4) 2023-09-22 Standing Rules UUNB Board of Trustees

The Ad Hoc Bylaw Review Committee made every attempt to be transparent and to include the intent of the proposed Amendment changes in this working document. At the meeting presenters will field questions and accept recommendations. Please note any changes outside the scope of the presented working document they will need to wait until the next Congregational Meeting (January 2025) since changes require at least 30 days’ notice prior to a Congregational Meeting.

Below are links to the Agenda and May’s Meeting Minutes.

1) 2024-09-08 Agenda

2) 2024-05-05 Congregational Meeting Minutes FOR REVIEW

3) UUNB Board of Trustees Title Page