Our thoughts are powerful forces in creating our experience of life. By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with our thoughts, we truly create our reality. But our only true reality is the present moment, so rather than merely accepting that life is happening to us, we can harness the power of our thoughts to actively create a positive reality. Through our minds we move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives us direction for our words and actions. Rather than focusing on the negative, we can choose to appreciate beauty around us and look for admirable qualities in the people we deal with. It is our focus and how we invest our energy, which gives us the power to design our lives to be whatever we choose in each and every moment. We can monitor our thoughts throughout the day, to catch ourselves in the middle of investing energy elsewhere rather than pulling our focus back to the infinite possibilities of the present. Each thought is like a stone dropped into a lake, sending ripples out into our world to affect all they touch. There is a quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer, “change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. You may be able to recall a time when frustration that was based on a misunderstanding completely evaporated when your understanding changed. This is because our interpretation defines our experience, and it can change in an instant. For example, rather than focusing on the negative, like traffic or seeing negative qualities in the people we interact with, we can choose to appreciate beauty around us. If we mentally dwell on the past or the future, we may miss the experience of living in the present moment. Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but we can bring our thoughts into our current experience by taking steps to create them now. Regular meditation allows us to gain mastery over our minds so that we can still our thoughts to focus on the pureness of being. Also taking a deep breath will help us center our thoughts on being in our bodies right now. Because our minds really are powerful tools that we can harness to create our reality.
Heart to Heart,
Rev. Addae