Reopening Announcement

The Board of Trustees is delighted to announce that our wonderful church will be reopened for in-person hybrid services beginning December 5! Those of you that wish to continue attending via Zoom will be able to do that. You will continue to receive a newsletter and a mid-month UUpdate with the Zoom link. Those of you who wish to attend in-person can do so beginning December 5. Out of continuing concern for our health and well-being, vaccinations and masks will be required. Determination of vaccination status will be on the honor system. If you have not been fully vaccinated, please continue to attend via Zoom. Please bring a mask, although we will have some to distribute if you forget. We will have greeters to meet you at the doors and ushers to help you with seating.

The church will be divided into two spaces – one for vaccinated adults and one for largely still unvaccinated children. Adults will enter through the front double doors, pass through the foyer, and enter the Gathering Room. Children will enter through the playground door and enter the RE room. Both spaces have been equipped with air purifiers which kill the Covid-19 virus. A divider will be set up in the hallway between the two bathrooms. The former men’s bathroom will become the RE children’s bathroom. The former women’s bathroom will become a new unisex bathroom for adults. Bathroom use will be restricted to one person at a time.

The Gathering Room has been set up with 8 chairs socially distanced by 6 feet for immunocompromised adults, and 22 chairs socially distanced by 3 feet. When you enter the foyer, a greeter will ask you your party’s size and if you want to sit in a group. An usher will set up additional chairs next to each other to accommodate couples or larger groups. The RE children will be masked and socially distanced by 3 feet. If you have a child in RE, Jessica will be providing more details.

For now, there will be no beverage or food served, however, bottled water will be available. You are also invited to bring your own. We will not be requiring reservations, but a greeter will keep a list of attendees if we need names for contact tracing. If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 after having attended a service in-person, we ask that you inform Dianne Rahm via email or phone. If there are any questions, you can also contact Dianne Rahm ( or 210-216-4976).