I originally wrote this column in February 2017, and since that time we have lived through a pandemic, multiple school shootings and natural disasters. However, the one constant remains, there is always some level of confusion, and we cannot predict the future. With that being said I sincerely hope that you will take some comfort in the words that I offered in 2017, because they still apply….
The world certainly seems to be in more confusion than I have ever witnessed. I repeat seems to be, when in reality, there is always some level of confusion. It’s a small world and we live cross cultural lives, so more of us are aware of the confusion than we once were. But when the world is in chaos, we can still have our own inner peace and maintain a sense of calm in a sea of unrest. If we allow ourselves to be thrown off balance by every piece of disturbing news that comes our way, we may be relying too much on our emotions. On the other hand, our thoughts may also be unreliable at times like these, as they chatter on endlessly about what might happen next. If our feelings and thoughts activate one another in a hectic way, then we become caught up in the confusion that surrounds us. But if we can locate the stillness at the center of our hearts, we can find composure in almost any situation. In addition, we provide a safe place for our friends and family, who are also prone to taking on the confusion of a world in flux. People who maintain their sense of calm when things around them are in a state of flux and confusion are always wonderful to be around. We feel calmer just being near them, as if they have activated our own sense of inner peace. From them we learn that we can be calm, even when everything around us is in turmoil, because we know that no matter what happens, this inner sense of calm will help us to function well. Often, times of confusion are the times that enable us to find that part of ourselves that knows how to cope, and how to bea light to others in the storm. It helps to remember that we can’t predict thefuture. Most of us just want to find our way to being at peace with whatever happens, and we can find this peace inside. Cultivating our inner clarity with meditation, journaling, and reading words that inspire us, will lead us to that place inside us that’s already there, just waiting.
From My Heart to Yours,
Rev. Addae